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Talent Spot|When You Start to Hire in Singapore

After setting up a Singapore company, hiring employees is an important milestone that involves some serious and important decision-making. The hiring process brings with it certain legal protocols which both employers and employees need to adhere to. Most employees today are well versed with Singapore Employment Act and have a clear idea of their rights and protection that is offered to them under various legislations. As an employer, it is equally important to be aware of the do’s and don’t’s while hiring employees.

Before starting the hiring process, it’s important to ask yourself the following questions:

1. What are the labour laws that I need to know and that have a binding effect on me and my employees?

2. Are there any formalities for hiring local or foreign employees? Is there a restriction on the number of foreign employees I can hire?

3. Is there any distinction in hiring full time, part time and contract staff?

4. How much does hiring an employee really cost? Do I have to pay any levies, provident fund contributions etc.?

5. In the absence of statutory requirements are there any common practices being followed in Singapore?

6. Are there any recruitment guidelines or do’s and don’t’s that I need to be aware of?

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