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Talent Spot | Key Benefits of Company Formation In China

China’s entry into the World Trade Organization marked the beginning of a significant change for investors and enterprise in China. The government of China has allowed entry into the market through the formation of Wholly Owned Foreign Enterprises (WOFE) and Representative Offices.


China is one of the world’s fastest growing economies and is an exciting jurisdiction in which to incorporate a company however it must be remembered that China also has disadvantages associated with emerging markets. These include an immature legal system and poorly enforced laws. Before proceeding with the formation of a WOFE company you should seek expert advice from Talent spot in order to formulate the best possible structure for your situation.


Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprises (WFOE)

The main benefits of WFOE are as follows:

Representative Office
A Representative Office may engage in the following activities:

The main benefits of a Representative Office are: | HR论坛 | 上海人才服务行业协会 | link | link | link | link


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